On chasing dreams: If you’re not sure where to start, then start anywhere!

3 minutes

We all have that one thing – or maybe a million things – that we want to do. That if we were our true uninhibited selves who had no need for financial gain or societal approval, we would run with it and do something incredible. Instead, most of us have obligations that must be met and bills that must be paid – and we can’t seem to break free in order to really pursue those things that our hearts desire. Or rather, we use all of these things as excuses for why we can’t. Why we don’t.

A year ago, I started this blog. It’s not much. But it’s something. It’s part of my path. I have gained nearly 100 readers who were previously strangers, and through writing this blog, I feel like I am doing that thing that I am meant to be doing. Of course, I want it to be bigger and grander. I want to be validated. We all do. But as I’ve continued on this blogging journey, I’ve realized that it’s not really about the end-goal. Writing makes my life better. It gives me purpose. It gives me space for introspection and connection. It makes me feel more complete. So even if it never goes anywhere and I never make money or get societal validation for what I am doing – it is still, exactly what I want to be doing.

If you’re still trying to break free and figure out exactly what YOU want to be doing – and how you can start doing it, then surround yourself with people who are inspiring. They don’t have to be in the same niche as you or following the same path as you. People who are pursuing their dreams and their missions in life can give the rest of us that lift of encouragement that we need to move forward with our own goals. If you can, find inspiration from people who you can meet in person. The closer the connection you have to these people, the more you will see that it is feasible to become that inspiring person instead of just watching others be those people.

If you can, find inspiring people who you can meet in person – not just famous people on TV or online. The closer the connection you have to these people, the more you will see that it is feasible to become that inspiring person instead of just watching others be those people.

I have managed to find quite a few inspiring people in Tucson, Arizona where I live. There are the fabulous women from FST! who get on stage once a month to tell stories to a packed house. There are stand-up comedians. There are nurses, business owners, writers, graduate students, social workers, the list goes on. Literally, anyone who has a positive mindset and is striving to make the world better in whatever little corner they have staked out – those are the people I seek out for inspiration.

Literally, anyone who has a positive mindset and is striving to make the world better in whatever little corner they have staked out – those are the people I seek out for inspiration.

I have a lot more to say on this topic, but I’m going to save it for my newest blog mini-series where I will post about people who have inspired me. Hopefully, you will also be inspired!

First up: Jade Beall, photographer and creator of A Beautiful Body Project. Check back on Sunday to read about how this powerful, creative, beautiful woman has inspired me, our local community, as well as our international community.

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2 responses to “On chasing dreams: If you’re not sure where to start, then start anywhere!”

  1. […] **This is the first of a mini-series of posts on people who inspire me. Check out my initial post for the series “On Chasing Dreams: If you’re not sure where to start, then start anywhere!” […]


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